Grass and Lawn Care - Helping to Guide You

3 Tips To Further Protect A Covered And Drained Garden Fountain During Winter

Since garden fountains are usually so expensive, it's important to maintain them well so that they'll be both pretty and operable for years to come. While some threats like algae formation and bugs are a particularly big deal in the spring and summer, cold and snow make winter the most dangerous season for your fountain. In addition to covering and draining your garden fountain, check out these three tips for further protecting it during winter. Read More 

The Most Important Home Security Tool: YOU

Do you have a home security system that you rely on to protect your family, home, and belongings from burglaries and home invasions? Is that home security system really enough to stop these horrible things from happening? There is one other element of home security that you may have overlooked—you! What can you personally do to ensure your home is as secure as possible? Maintain the Security System A professional installation of a home security system is the best way to know that every part of your home is covered. Read More 

Iced Over Condenser Coil: What To Do About The Igloo In Your AC Unit

Have you noticed ice forming on the condenser coil of your air conditioning system? If so, prompt troubleshooting or repair is important to ensure that your AC does not become severely damaged. The condenser coil in your system is a heat exchanger. In a normal system, the coil gets cool, but it does not freeze or accumulate ice. When there is a malfunction of the coil present, ice accumulation occurs, and if the issue is not addressed, it will get progressively worse. Read More 

Safely Transplanting A Tree

If you are moving to a new home and you have a sentimental tree that you cannot bear to leave on your old property, you may have considered bringing it along with you. Transplanting a tree can be accomplished if you take safety precautions to make sure it does not go into shock from the change in conditions. Here are some instructions to follow when transplanting a tree from one property to another. Read More 

Getting Ready For Your Home’s Open House: Lighting Tricks And Techniques

You only have one chance to make a first impression, so when you're preparing for a home showing, the last thing you want is for your house to appear dark and gloomy. Dark rooms can seem small, cramped and claustrophobic. These lighting techniques will help open up your interiors and impress potential buyers.  Leave all Your Curtains and Exterior Doors Open Pulling back your curtains will let in the sunlight from the outside, giving your home a cheery quality that buyers will find familiar and comforting. Read More